Poise unfettered by commute, she moved in slow motion, cutting through the crowd in the bright morning sunshine...and next to her, all others on the busy street fell sharply out of focus...paled in colour...She walked, unburdened by her spotless new briefcase, slung weightlessly over her shoulder, swinging her elegant handbag. She was clothed in a brand new fitted suit, beige in colour with a neat, business-like skirt and shoes too tall to be comfortable. An average face, but lit by such a ray of light, complexion bright, her special effort for this morning evident...her eyes weren't downcast or clouded by the jaded glaze that comes from treading a path too often (no matter it's aspect), nor troubled by the haze from the swarming traffic passing inches from her - but expectant and proud, raised in wonderment, drinking in every aspect of this undiscovered country...
They told me that this was not, yet, "the walk to work"...
My bus swept on, leaving her to the bright new horizon...and me...to some long-distant memories of being there in her shoes, walking the streets of innocence and limitless possibility...and I glanced back, and sent her a heartfelt wish that she could keep that smile forever...and then, thanks to her, I felt just a glimmer of mine...
Defender II
1 day ago
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