One more sleep to go!
Well, more like half a sleep actually, as Flyingpops will (no doubt) have us up before even the milkman's alarm will have gone off (we normally pull onto the site early enough to join in breakfast, if not wake everyone else up)... ;)
Was reading in the Metro on the bus on my way in (slightly worryingly) that because of the predicted fine bank holiday weather, motorists can expect heavy delays on the roads thanks to the mad dash that will result as people flood towards coastal areas (can't be worse than last year when the 5 hour trip home took us nearly 8.5)...and actually the London streets today did seem to indicate a definite shift of traffic *away* from town, they were absolutely deserted! You could almost have filmed a few scenes for 28 days later... ;)
Still got some problems though, HSBC are really dragging their heels with sorting this fraud out, I've got my new card now, but no PIN (unless it arrives today), not that they have refunded the money they allowed to slip out of my account anyway, I'm half tempted to extend my holiday by half a day and go and give them a piece of my mind...but you know what? I'm loath to...just because we don't get much holiday in the course of a year, and that really would be a deeply unpleasant way to spend what *should* be time spent enjoying myself in some way...
Cue comments about biting off my nose (etc... ;)
Defender II
1 day ago
Hey Fink, why you not in NY?
Oh I'll drop you an email be honest I'm relieved to be able to go on holiday (I refer you to one of my previous posts) even if only for a bit... ;) Hate Jet Lag...
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