Located in "The Mounts" (which is on the A381), it enjoys easy access to Dartmoor (and all the spectacular natural/otherwise wonders therein), nearby towns and attractions, but I'll leave those details to later posts (we had a rather visit-packed few days)...suffice it to say, it's on a comparitively good road, for the area... ;)
The site itself has a washing up/washing room, an amazingly well stocked shop (including camping essentials (from simple pegs to full tent electrical supply solutions), battery cells, folding chairs, food and drink) which (and we checked) has usually lower or comparable prices to the high street...an excellent toilet block (freshly painted, sweet smelling, well lit - bonus points for super hot power showers, flower arrangement and (not quite discouraged) trailed ivy growth inside along the ceiling - oh and a gold star for being easy to reach from most places on the site in an emergency ;)
There is no club house, and no booze is sold on site, adding much to it's charm, no groups of lads or lasses being rowdy...(although we did try our best ;) - those asking for such facilities may be directed to take a walk (cross country) to "The Old Inn" nearby, but more of that later... ;)
The greens are neatly, regularly clipped, the roadway sufficient (no mud, even with the serious amounts of rain we saw) and footpaths and buildings are strewn with bloom sufficient to make Alan Titchmarsh flicker a look of envy in their direction...pitches are well ordered and not made at will, you will be expected to pitch your tent dead centre on a clealy positioned post (in order to comply with the various safety legislation out there), but that's all for the good, and not as regimental as at some sites I could mention..."You just go and choose where you want m'dear, either of those two fields"... ;)
Best of all though, it's family run, and by a lovely group of ladies with a real eye for the detail, and as I mentioned before, a genuine care that everything is working, everyone is happy and that the place looks wonderful...(unfortunately, they can't fix the weather, but nobody's perfect... ;)
Lovely place - if you are looking for simple peace and quiet you really can't go wrong...how did they put it? "Unwind the quick way", I think... ;) Lads, you need to head to Newquay... ;)