Anyway, back to business - Spotted this freaky little thing crawling on my monitor, it looked like a sort of minature land jellyfish (large irregular top, lots of legs) but on closer inspection it appeared to be cigar shaped, like a centipede but less than 2mm in length and covered in an armor of tiny bits of grit...really odd little thing!
You'll have to click the picture for a closer look...and if you fancy, I took a couple of videos of it also - here and here...
In other news I have today off work for Kipperfrog's graduation, she got a first in Rocket Science and AI (and so should be off to work at NASA on the next Mars rover project I guess), tomorrow we have the Motor show in London (free tickets from Flyingpops' work) and Sunday it's off for one day of drag racing at Bug Jam (Santa Pod raceway)...busy weekend (pics later)! ;)
I reckon it's an insect (or spider) carrying something else. Fascinating.
Turned out it was the spaceship in the end... ;)
It was like a little centipede that had built a house of grit over it's back from loads of really tiny grains, maybe like a hermit crab to help protect it from predators...? Anyway, it's having an adventure in my garden now... ;)
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