Oh well, so much for our (planned) nice week in Cornwall! As of Friday before last Thomas took a bit of a turn for the worse, unfortunately ending up back in hospital with some sort of infection (and on intravenous antibiotics/antivirals)...so our happy holiday turned (mostly) into juggling childminding for Poppy and trying to get Thomas to eat and drink (through a very swollen and painful throat) in front of the nurses so they would consider letting him come home...Doesn't really matter, as it rained pretty much continuously all the time we were over there anyway (meaning camping would have been a bit of a damp and cold affair even had we managed to get away)...When he was finally discharged from hospital we had a few duvet/PJ days on the sofa with movies and treaty food and by the end of the week he was sufficiently well for us to get away Friday and Saturday for a surprise (double) trip to (the looooong promised) Peppa Pig World at Paultons Park (with an overnight stay in a nearby Hilton hotel in the middle)...
More on that, however, when I've had a chance to go through the pictures...now to see how many emails I have waiting for me to read in my inbox! ;)
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