26 January, 2011

Facebook isn't secure - again?

...this time it's private pictures from the looks of things...(forewarned is forearmed and all that)...

Here is exactly how to hack into private facebook pictures using only your web browser...

Well done (again) Facebook, especially as CEO Mark Zuckerberg's own account got hacked overnight...it's all going so well! :(

Hope you don't have anything "sensitive" on your facebook profile (but then you knew that already, right)...? :S

I'll check it out properly later...

Update - it's not as bad as it first appeared, it only works if you have access to pictures from an album you *are* allowed to see from a mutual friend, and also it doesn't work on all of those pictures, just ones with "n" (which appear to be generally older albums), and it doesn't work on profile pictures either - it's still not very clever though...!


Anonymous said...

Yo dude! Is this the fink that used to work at friends provident?

Tomski (dogfcuker)

P.S If not then terribly sorry for bothering you :-)

Unknown said...

Dogfcuker! Yes, it is I! Are you on Twitter/facebook? Lets hook up!

Anonymous said...

You should be able to find me on facebook under Tom Lock. My hotmail is locktom@hotmail.com

Look forward to catching up!