13 July, 2010

Tesco Lasagne Sandwich - review

Tesco Lasagne Sandwich
Originally uploaded by finkangel.

Well....it launched today, and I just *had* to try it...when I got into Tesco Canary Wharf there were only about 4 sandwiches left and thirty grumpy executives shoulder barging each other to maul them, using my extraordinary height I managed to both spot my prize (slightly battered) and reach over the ravening hoard to claim it...

Back in the office, after the gasps of disbelief and pointed questions about Saturated fat and carb levels (which turned out to be comparable with the pot of light cottage cheese my desk neighbour had suffered with for lunch), the taste is actually extremely nice...

The cheese and (also cheese, but I'll let that slide) Ricotta dressing is pleasantly cheddary, the thin sheet of pasta just ends up on the palette like an American slice and the Ragù is wonderfully rich, high notes of basil and the sweetest tomato...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we have a new winner...! ;)


Darfuria said...

Good lord! Tesco had nothing quite as exquisite or exciting back in my day, when I had to endure the trauma of fridge-browsing.

The horror!

Glad it was nice though

Ys said...

Haha what a great idea! Do they do a veggie version?

Unknown said...

Unfortunately not...sorry Ys...! ;(