Came home on Friday to find a new addition to the living room - Thomas' new "Den" - it's basically a large self-erecting tent in the shape of a big red car which Flyingpops insists looks "a bit like a Beetle"...while the Jury is still out deliberating that one, one thing is for certain...
...Thomas *loves* it...Flyingpops installed all of his toys and books around the edges and Thomas now spends hours concentrating extremely hard at pulling all the careful piles of things into a jumble, effectively burying himself in heaps of teddy bears and flashing, muffled-talking fact, he liked it so much that Flyingpops bought two more in Tesco on Monday and a little crawling tube to link them all up, so now we don't so much have a baby, as a little hamster, rustling quietly inside his little vivarium, only the odd crash of plastic blocks or garbled chip-music nursery rhyme to tell us where he has got to... ;)
Make a careful check for an escape tunnel mate, us Brits are famous for digging our way out of places.
I love it when Thomas goes to bed, as I can get into the tent and put everything back into some sort of order for him... it's great fun!!!! And Fink, it is a beetle!!!
Urm...yep... ;)
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