So the other week, Thomas and I were letting Mummy have a (well deserved) lazy morning - we are still occasionally having the odd disturbed night, and this had been a bad example - I took Thomas in to play with his waterproof toys and gurgle while I had a very quick "Daddy bath" and then we went downstairs together, pausing to quietly pull items of washing off the banisters and giggle together (a game of infinite amusement) so Flyingpops could (gratefully) catch up on some lost sleep...
No sooner had I settled him on his colourful foam play mat and turned to start preparing his ham and scrambled eggs for breakfast than he started making a never-heard-before-noise, over and over again - "K" "K" "K" "K" - I turned from the stove and peered over with a quizzical smile on my face and noticed with some astonishment that he had gone into his toy box and had found his little rubber duck and was staring at it, repeating the sound...
Now I'm not saying it wasn't co-incidence, and despite many subsequent "What's this Thomas?" attempts, we haven't had a convincing repeat performance...but I like to think that it is *just* possible that what I witnessed was his first faltering attempts at assigning a recognisable word to an object...
Clever Thomas..."Duck"... ;)
1 comment:
Such a clever little boy xxx
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