Friday...and, coincidentally the very last day of 2010! Where on earth did that whole year go (actually, I think it probably slipped past while I was chasing Thomas around trying to stop him climbing onto the roof of the house/eating inappropriate items if I think about it)... ;)
Anyway, lets kick things off with the hilarious video Polar bear vs Spy Camera...
How to drive in the snow...
Learn that a 1Tb drive (about £50 now) would have cost a trillion dollars to construct in the 50s... :0
Watch what it's like to fall into a black hole!
Customer Service...
The top scientific breakthroughs of 2010...
Experience the rather spooky Muppets with People Eyes...
Watch the entire periodic table being etched onto a single human hair...
The astonishing "Word Lens"...hope they release an Android version!
...and finally (thank you Failblog) the top ten FAIL videos of 2010 (scroll down a bit)...
Happy New Year for tomorrow everyone!!! :)
Defender II
1 day ago