Here in the office everyone has to wear something red (I'm wearing a red Cotton traders short sleeved shirt) or they must pay either £2 or £5 (they haven't quite decided yet) towards the charity...if you did manage to wear red then it's only £1...I guess about 20% of people have managed to remember, so that's quite a lot of money already! ;)
Anyway, it being Friday it's also link time, so let's kick this session off by learning that humanity has spent (between them) over 64,000 man-years playing Halo 3 online...WTF?
Read the absolutely facinating transcript of the Raiders of the Lost Arc story conference...reveals a *lot* about the movie making process...
Being bother by a spooky ghost? Who you gonna call? Urm, well how about avoiding all those damaging particle streams and buying a Trisaksri ghost repeller? *sigh* ;)
Have a nose around IBM's "antique atic"... [pics]
A nice tube map (of where the lines *really* run) built using google map technology...
A very interesting article about genetic algorhythms and picture compression (promising)...!
The very worst "good luck" card EVER...
Creepy Tree is creepy, but it's okay because Fish Cloud is fishy... [pics]
Let's do some urban exploration now, this time round Pripyat, Ukraine (abandoned since the Chernobyl disaster)... [pics]
Learn about "playbouring", the £700+ million per year "gold farming" industry in China...
Discover chimps can plan ahead (no sh*t Sherlock)...
Explore the Amadee Coral Reef in beautiful 360 degree panoramas (click the arrows in the top left to peer around and the arrows in the display to move around)
Discover a company that comes into your house, makes a hole in the floor, digs a big hole and then inserts a spiral stair/wine rack beneath your kitchen...! [pics]
Play Tetris HD (har har har)...
...and just to round things off for another week, a funny "Bike Ownership fail" and a rather amusing "Fire Engine fail"...
The archive is over this way if you still need to see some more ...!
Good Weekend all!
Loved Tetris HD - kept me quiet for hours!
I would take over an hour to set up a single Tetris!
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