16 October, 2008

Free Lego from the Daily Mirror!

Free Lego from the Daily Mirror
STOP PRESS - DON'T MISS THIS FREEBIE - this is payback, because I know I go on all the time about the myriad of free things that seem to get thrown at us at Canary Wharf - everything from raw spuds to heaps of chewing gum (and sweat-bands inbetween), and I'm extremely grateful for each and every one of them (more to the point I have actually adopted some brands as a result thus cementing my appreciation with rather more tangible cold, hard cash)...but this one is a complete no brainer...absolutely heaps of free Lego (in the run up to Christmas too), and I'm sure we all have at least one set of tiny hands not too far away that might appreciate a few extra bricks to play with at this (albeit embryonic) festive time of the year...a rough estimate (from a parent not too far from me in the office) puts the combined offering at about thirty-five quids worth of kit - for FREE...which is an excellent Christmas gift in anyone's book, especially with belts being tightened around the globe...

Anyway, if you want a sneak peek, check it out here, and all you need to do to get the lot (and I recommend going for the box set I caught a glimpse of, if you can, as it looks that much more impressive) is to collect the vouchers (starting on Saturday)...you can get the individual bits if you like too btw, you don't have to save up for all of them, oh and apparently it contains a play mat and some stickers too (as a little bonus)...so there you go, a nice freebie (actually a much better one than I have ever picked up on the street)... ;)


Unknown said...

Your pulling my leg o

boohoo said...

this reminds me I haven't played "Lego Star Wars" in too long...

Unknown said...

Har har Tommo! ;)

Just been trying to play Lego Indiana Jones on the PSP...it's really rather difficult (for a game designed with the young-uns in mind)!

Kev Brown said...

I got stuck a few times myself on Lego Star Wars so I'm with you on that one! And how did sweatbands ever go out of fashion? They are so retro cool! lol

Unknown said...

We have one voucher to go now! Doesn't matter if you have missed one, you only need any seven of the whole to get everything!