Feeling unexpectedly overwhelmed at discovering that Gary Gygax has passed away, failing his final saving throw vs Death yesterday...
R.I.P. Gary (unless we can find a high level cleric or a ring of wishes of course), and thanks for all the adventures... ;(
Defender II
1 day ago
It is a sad, sad thing. The man opened the imagination of so many people, and brought so many people together.
I see no 9th level clerics around, and that is sad. Perhaps Bill Bailey could reincarnate him; we all know he's a high level druid.
I'm gutted so many countless hours of fascinated engagement,not just from D&D but from Cthulhu etc. are largely owed to his kicking off the RPG scene,today should be a global holiday
Wow, when did druids get the power to bring back life?
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