Well, here we are again, only this time I'm back home late enough to have caught just the tail end of the cute bit - the decent local families personally taking their adorable little ones, all dressed up nicely, to politely enquire if we would like to give them a treat (please) with no possible threat of a trick anywhere in their arsenal (or intention)...although some do try and pinch more than their fair share, even with Mum and Dad looking on... ;)
Perhaps next year though, let's try and leave the inbred, goonish hooded teens in their shackles until after we have handed them back their "five for a quid" style cigarette lighters and poured petrol all over their heap of illegally purchased fireworks...you have no place in this curious American import, spotted-ones, especially so if your idea of a Halloween costume is a hooded top, a can of White Lightning and a cheap, tinny mobile phone crackling out unintelligible drum and bass (as was happening over much of Redhill)...
Happy Halloween...*cackle*... >;)
We had 30 trick or treaters in the end....
lucky you we had 77...I ran out of lollypops and had to raid the fridge chocolate..
You won't be pleased to hear then that we had no trick or treaters.... bit sad really cos we'd got choc's in case... maybe our very long path in pitch black or very large scary bloke may answer the door put them off........well done all that took part anyway... we just sat waiting with the odd vod...!!!!!!!!
Right - note taken and next year we will come over dressed up if the trick or treater witch can get chocolate and bit tall scary man with her can get vodka (or stella is his prferred alcholic beverage)
77??? Goodness me...! And yes, a bit too spooky that walk for the little ones in the pitch black! ;)
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