Hrm...buckets and bin bags (and 24 hours too early?), spotted this on Tuesday lunchtime sitting on the floor in the corner of the office canteen (covered in cling film and labelled "Veg Chow Mein" and "Rice"), well, Renemy spotted it actually and I ran up with her (not really believing what I was being told)...still maintained the thought it was almost certainly rubbish *really* until she told me that it showed up on the menu yesterday...urk...hope it didn't sit on the floor for too long, if that was the case it probably should have been in the 'fridge... >;S
Defender II
1 day ago
Nice! I know its all free, but do you think its left overs from the local restaurants?
mmm makes you hungry huh? ;)
Sal had to be evacuated from work today, due to bomb scare, they ended up blowing up a brief case, not sure if for real or just practising. yep this did happen in swan walk horsham, all staff from shopping centre and surrounding had to stand in the rain for over 2 hours.
I can see how this story relates to Sal being evacuated from work today.
Ah, a related post. No, they definetely prepare this especially for the workers - looks too good to be left overs.
perhaps sal may have appriciated it while stood in rain!!!!!!! has anonymous thought of that connection to post?????????????????
Anonymous no 2 - who are you?
Calm down, calm down! ;)
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