- lacking tools (as well as the skills and knowledge) we yielded to Al's expert assistance, who used a hammer to remove all the rusty bits, then clipped some plate to the perfect shape -
- which I helped to hold in place (as/when necessary) -
- while Al welded it into place (took just over an hour in the end, including filling the little holes)-
- had a few little fires in the coating of the underside as we went along, but they weren't anywhere near the fuel lines/tank, so we just blew them out once the metal cooled down (bit scary though!) -
- and here we see the weld finished -
- then just a lick of white Hammerite and the mat went back into place, perfect!
You might also notice the pink patch just below the throttle pedal, this was another little hole, but just below it was the speedo cable, so we couldn't weld anywhere near it, so the pink stuff was a glass fibre mixture which plugged that perfectly (after brushing vigorously with a wire brush to clean it up... ;)
How impressive! This is a man worth knowing!Mum
Weld done that man
very good reply tom... most inpressed..... vod queen......
Haha! ;)
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