Another "Housmans" gem - Apparently once a year a load of people strip off and cycle around in order to protest against societies dependency on oil...quite why one's clothing needs to removed in order to achieve this objective isn't made terribly clear on their website, which makes me suspect it's just a bunch of nudists fishing for an excuse to flaunt public decency legislation... ;)
The first ones to take place in England were in 2004, the event is now spread over several locations with varying numbers (between 2 and 250) participating in each place, from the looks of things some police forces in rural areas try to get the participants to cover up their naughty bits, but the MET have a history of just leaving the London group to get on with it, for once effectively demonstrating that they *do* have more important things to be worrying about than a few people in their birthday suits cycling in a "leasurely" fashion around Hyde Park...perhaps Londoners are just more jaded than most...
Takes all sorts I suppose, although I do wonder why they have "World Naked Bike Ride" T-shirts on's a bit of a contradiction if you ask me to celebrate/commemorate a naked bike ride by buying items of clothing... ;)
I suppose the nakedness is just to encourage the press to give them loads of, erm, coverage.
Heheh.... ;) Wonder if they actually can get away with showing that kind of thing on "London Tonight"? I suppose with a bit of careful editing and some censor blurs... ;)
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