During a routine stop at PC World this morning, the communicator crackled unexpectedly into life bringing an urgent new mission objective - a serious manpower shortfall was occuring at checkpoint Muncy, the natives were on the verge of revolt, nothing short of a full scale rescue mission was going to do...(basically - thanks to severe back pain on the part of the intended recipient, the roast (already half cooked) was risking going perhaps as much as 50% uneaten!)...forces were immediately mobilised and despite a quick (essential) supply stop (at Sainsburys for the rest of the weeks manuvures), were in postion at the perfect moment to save the day! Lovely beef and roast veg, plus some succulent and tasty asparagus, served with an obviously carefully prepared jus...(and I had been looking forward to cheese on toast up until that point!)...
Anyway, and this is the real point of the post, thanks to taking all these photos just lately, I have been thinking quite hard about what it would be like to own an SLR camera instead of a 3 year old "point and shoot" (not that it isn't perfectly good for most situations) - I guess I just wanted to see what I was missing (and also have a go at doing some of those wonderful flower shots you see so often on Flickr), wonderfully - lunch gave me both the tools and the subjects, so - regardez s'il vous plait, my first efforts (and these are probably worth zooming in all-the-way, just to appreciate the level of detail that this puppy can capture!)-
Caverns Of Larn
3 days ago
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