Already used it to carry all the spare beer home from the show...very useful... ;)
Off to the hospital soon, so wish me luck!
A simple commentary on life...
It's not stopped now since mid-afternoon yesterday, the site is starting to get really muddy and we haven't seen any members of the paying public at all this morning and it's really very unusual for absolutely nobody to come...still it's early...we may yet see a few brave souls in all weather gear and thermal pants...
This could well be the last time we come to this particular show, to camp, anyway...mud and rain...again...Bah!
...a fraught half hour trying to work out, from a position of zero experience, how to set up a satellite tv system in a camper van so we can watch the F1...suffice it to say, we couldn't find more than eleven percent of a sniff of Astra...a miserable failure...thanks Vodqueen for coming to the rescue with a terrestrial aerial...Phew! ;)
Weather today not as bad as was forecast either...things are looking up! ;)
Oh well, the rain is coming down now and if you turn ninety degrees from this lovely setting sun, unfortunately it looks like the riders of the apocalypse are just making sure that they have remembered to turn the oven off and pick up their door keys...we could be in for a rough ride... :(
Best ever haul on the Tombola! Twenty odd DVDs, a bottle of stella, and a hand knitted pair of old ladies bed socks! Rain holding off, so far... ;)
We have awoken to scattered showers, weather report was for sunny intervals for later though, followed by heavy rain on sunday and if you want to come perhaps today is probably the best day... ;)
...have arrived safe and sound, we are all set up, weather has been absolutely wonderful, I even have a sun burnt neck to keep me glowing at night...Spent most of the day helping the others to get set up, making simple camp food and playing 'Innocent Life' on the PSP, which is a gripping farming sim, believe it or not... ;)
...well we've now spent the usual twenty five minutes of gentle 'discussion' with George, the collections and display marshall, he is the chap on the right...who loves to get deeply involved with even the smallest positioning issue when quite honestly everyone is perfectly capable of lining up in rows without a huge amount of help...anyway, that's the stressful bit over with now...time to get set up... ;)
...but the rest of the convoy is half an hour behind us, so we've decided to wait at the entrance to maximize the chances of pitching our various campers and caravans is really picking up now, so looking good for today at least... ;)